Dungeon Delve #9 - Aint that a Kick in the Zine! (Zinemonth Finale)
Dogs in space. Goblin cults. Festive jousts. Resistance pamphlets. Zine month is reaching its apex this week! Plus RPG bundle deals!
I. Meanwhile, at the fey court…
"Delight in my library, dear sage?" the masked fay king speaks. "Or have you come to intrude upon my guests? Tell me what you seek?"
The learned yet daunted sage surveys the mingling of strangers and carnal fay revelry before clearing their throat.
"I..." the sage starts before the chin caress of a wandering nymph nearly pulls them from focus. "I... I must return to... my friends."
"Friends. Yes. They are such rare a treasure in this world." the fey king rises, and gestures to the party. "But not here. Perhaps you should stay. Make new friends."
The paladin shakes the sages delirious body to no avail. The rogue, however, digs into their pouch. "Had an inkling that magic smelling salts would prove useful. Stand back!"
Greetings adventurers,
It is the final week of February! … We’ve highlighted a LOT of great games and crowdfunding campaigns, and its time to put a bow on this years collection.
!!! —- Dungeon Delve is a new publication, and we’d love to hear from you! —- !!!
Feedback is magical to us! Give us just a couple minutes, and help make our day!
Onward to the games, the news, the deals, and beyond!
II. The Sage Speaks!
The sages backstory quest to build a master dictionary, one issue at a time!
TTRPG Glossary
Alignment: Designation of a characters ethical or philosophical stance in relation to the society and environment of the game setting. The most common representation is the “nine alignment” system, a matrix between law and chaos, good and evil.
Initiative: Score determining the readiness of a character. In most games, this determines the order which character perform their turns during action sequences (combat, encounters, chases, puzzles, etc)
Worldbuilding / Writing Glossary
Heroes Journey: Also known as the “monomyth”, a common template of storytelling for a heroic quest. Includes a call to adventure, followed by a journey of trial toward victory over a crisis, which ultimately transforms the hero by the end of the story.
Dramatic Premise: A short description which acts as the blueprint for an entire story. It is the dramatic force that drives the story towards its conclusion. I.E … What is the story about?
Utopia / Dystopia: An imagined place or society that, based on common human values and aspirations, is either perfect, or so imperfect as to be uniquely terrible. A place can pose as one of these two, or as two extreme angles of the same place based on opposing characters status or perspective.
III. Markings on the Wall
Latest rumors, discoveries, and puzzling finds in the RPG world and beyond!
Final week of Zinemonth / Zinequest!
Kickstarter is hosting its annual Zinequest event! Check out a bunch of other websites:
Resistance is Required RPG - A TTRPG and educational guide about fighting authoritarian regimes through collective action, built to invoke critical thought about how movements are born and sustained. … Play. Pledge. Promote. … and resist!
A Perfect Rock - Experience world-building in this post-homeworld saga with an IRL geologic twist. Travel and explore the stars. Create and explore planets using … REAL rocks! (or via cards if thats your speed). Pledge. Play. Promote.
In Dreaming Avalon: a Roleplaying Party Game - Feasts? Jousts? Dancing? Arthurian vibes? Sounds like a party to me! … Experience some lighthearted romance and fun social situations in this game for 3+ players. Pledge. Play. Promote.
Laika: A solo journal about a very good space dog - Based on the true story of the first living creature in space, this solo RPG puts you in the mind of Laika on their tragic, yet grand adventure. Pledge. Play. Promote
Something Rotten - A goblin bashing adventure - Goblins, Goblins, and more Goblins! … Create a goblin cult. Wield troll limbs as weapons. Drink with new tavern patrons. … For 5e and other TTRPGs for lower level characters. Pledge. Play. Promote.
Tabletop RPG News
QuestWorlds Roleplaying System Launches!! - Chaosium Inc. has put out a new rules-light, cinematic TTRPG system.
Sing A Doomsong: God is dead and the Church is in Denial - ENworld - A look into the godless gritty game about an undead apocalypse.
Kobold Press Announces 'Cosy' RPG Riverbank - ENworld - A whimsical fusion of woodland creatures and polite cottagecore.
Rascal News Celebrates its First Birthday!! - The editor has put out a retrospective of the first year, and a statement for the year to come!
A Maniacs Insight (Where I quote an adjacent Substack blog)
The rules are just a tool to support those good settings, they are the vehicle you and your players use to explore these fantastical worlds.
As long as that vehicle runs you through memorable narrative moments, does it really matter what engine uses?
IV. Looting the Room
TTRPG Bundle Deals
The Get Loud TTRPG Bundle - A collaboration of many indie creations in one package! - $20
Runequest Encore Book Bundle - Chaosium Inc’s Fantasy TTRPG rich with mystery and adventure! -
$334$18/PWYWFallout: the Roleplay Game Complete Bundle - Modiphius Entertainments 2d20 take on the post-nuclear wasteland -
$244$18/PWYWBundle of Holding Starter Pack Store - BoH has a bunch of digital starter packs for various RPG games!
Dragon Age RPG Beat the Blight Bundle - PDFs of Dragon Age core books and resources!
$140$34.99Pathfinder Kingmaker Bundle - Collect a ton of PDFs for Pathfinder, Paizo maps, and Kingmaker-related materials till end of February.
10% off Phoenix Dice Deal! - Ongoing Affiliate!
Phoenix Dice are made from eco-friendly materials, and each purchase goes towards funding research into various recycled materials such as ocean plastic, safe industrial waste, and more!
Use the code DELVE25 and get 10% off your order today!
Check out last weeks issue here!