Dungeon Delve #7 - Zinemonth Resurrection (More Indie TTRPG Kickstarters + Bundle Deals!)
We spotlight new games like Warped FM, Fluff n Fury, Soul to Keep, Love for the Love Gods, and more! ... Plus some GREAT bundle deals!
I. Curse of the Haunted Library…
A foreward.
Strawberry trees clash with orange mountains, prismatic streams, and stars with rainbow trails. Glyphs, letters, and magical phrases dance like fireflies across a panorama of luxurious spires of a magic academy of uncanny grandeur. Stepping through platinum gates, and into great hall doors engraved with swirls, the sage basks in the sight of a masquerade. Students in academic robes and beautiful white-dressed humanoids with fey-like features waltz to an enthralling ensemble of satyrkin and sprites. At the back of the great hall, a tall white-haired lord in a regal coat of deep purple and gold, wearing a large black feathered mask over the top of their face, sits upright in observance of their subjects.
Meanwhile, the paladin yells out. The thief turns, realizing something amiss. The sage lies upon the floor of the haunted library, forehead burning in fever heat and eyes rolling back in a blissful trance as the wisps hover over the three. "I told you we shouldn't have stopped here!"
Greetings, my friends!
Delighted to continue to enrapture you with weekly TTRPG and worldbuilding content! … As the second month of Dungeon Delve rolls forward, we continue to celebrate Zinemonth, a TTRPG community event of crowdfunding and discovering new games and experiences!
Below are a host of amazing projects you can support! Remember kids! … YOU can get in on the ground floor, support these magnificent creators, and earn their undying respect and loyalty (and get a few fun things in exchange!)
Also, as we continue to deliver great resources week-by-week, we also continue to better refine the newsletter to deliver the most value to you, the reader! In future issues, you can expect:
More links to TTRPG deals on games, books, resources, and other tools!
More news and finds for the non-DnD and indie TTRPG scene!
More useful insight from ChaoticanWriter on worldbuilding, game mastering, and game design!
II. The Sage Is Busy!
They’re “sleeping”… check back on some RPG definitions in an upcoming issue!
III. Markings on the Wall
Latest rumors, discoveries, and puzzling finds in the RPG world and beyond!
Zinemonth / Zinequest Continues!!
Kickstarter is hosting its annual Zinequest event! Check out a bunch of other websites:
[ZINEMONTH] Warped FM RPG - Love podcasts? How about special guests from other dimensions? Play Warped, and engage in a GM-less, branching story line while managing your own pod! … You know what to do: Pledge. Play. Promote.
[ZINEMONTH] So Many Horrid Ghosts - Lady Macbeth, Romeo, Ophelia, and other murdered characters have a score to settle! Their revenge target: none other than the bard himself! Tis time for payback! Pledge. Play. Promote.
[ZINEMONTH] Soul to Keep - Ever tried to take possession of someone as a demon, and found out you had competition? I hate it when that happens. Get your horror fix in this head-to-head game of body puppetry! Pledge. Play. Promote.
[ZINEMONTH] Love for the Love Gods… Remember that movie “Cabin in the Woods”. No? Imagine a secret society that serves old gods, but… instead of parodying horror movies, its Hallmark all the way down! Get ready to be filled with love, and have your reality shatter! Pledge. Play. Promote.
[ZINEMONTH] Starlee Davidson: Motorcycles in Retrograde - Release your inner motorcycle-riding girl gang! Use tarot to manifest Starlee Davidson, lovelorn and distraught, and kick the tires on a journey of self-healing! Pledge. Play. Promote.
[ZINEMONTH] Fluff N Fury: A Cy_bearpunk RPG - Build a bear. Get into hijinks. Punch billionaires. Take on the system in action-packed missions with a modular rules system to fit your table! Pledge. Play. Promote.
Quick News and Finds
Daggerheart Date Revealed: We Will See You May 20th! - Darrington Press
Steamforged Games and Kobold Press Introduce Tales of the Valiant Starter Set - Tabletop Gaming News
IV. Looting the Room
Tabletop RPG Deals
[Bundle] Grimtooths Old-School Traps Bundle -
$132.99$99.99[Bundle] Punch Nazis! Bundle - $12.95 Starter Collection
[HUGE Bundle] Starfinder 1st edition Blowout! -
$480.47$19.95[HUGE Bundle] More Tabletop & RPG Resources - $243 value, PWYW
10% off Phoenix Dice Deal!
Phoenix Dice are made from eco-friendly materials, and each purchase goes towards funding research into various recycled materials such as ocean plastic, safe industrial waste, and more!
Use the code DELVE25 and get 10% off your order today!
Free Resource
TTRPG Creator Master Post - All this celebrating new and fun games! Why not consider giving game creation a shot yourself? Starshine Scribbles hosts a super cool resource to get you started, featuring a handful of systems to build your game off of!
V. Treasure Chest
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