Dungeon Delve #6 - Zinemonth Rises! (10% off Phoenix Dice, + Awesome Kickstarters!)
We're celebrating Zinemonth in full force this year! ... Also, if you're looking to support Dungeon Delve and help the RPG hobby be sustainable, check out Phoenix Dice!
I. You Enter The Next Chamber…
A foreward.
Manuscripts. Codexes. Tomes of ancient knowledge.
Weathered by time as the sage may be, the interior of the dungeonous library fills them with a frolic. The sentient orbs of light begin to emit an amber glow, the air itself filling with the glimmer of lovely motes floating upon festive currents. Outlines of humanoid beings emerge around the orbs, animating into forms of studious and inspired pupils in academic wear. Chimes tingle. Strings crescendo and float gaily. The smell of hot cocao and the texture of vibrant conversation tantalize the inquisitive yet cozy mind of the sage to a warmer time.
Meanwhile, behind the illusion, the paladin looks on as the sage dances in the dust of the long forgotten halls,... clearly off their rocker!
The amore is in the air! … Valentines Day. Winters third inning before the break of spring. … and… it’s Zinemonth!
ChaoticanWriter will be spending this month highlighting some amazing games currently crowdfunding as we galavant our way through the halls of the indie RPG communities time to shine. Tune in, and subscribe to the newsletter for more updates on Zinemonth, week by week!
II. The Sage Speaks!
The sages backstory quest to build a master dictionary, one issue at a time!
TTRPG Glossary
Zine: A small indie publication (or online zine) of a home-made aesthetic covering specialized subject matter, or (in TTRPGs) a standalone role-playing game or supplement.
Zine Month/Zinequest: An annual event through the month of February celebrating the zine community, including multiple crowdfunding drives for new zines and indie games.
The Bloggies: An indie awards ceremony hosted at the beginning of the year, showcasing the best that the TTRPG blogosphere has to offer.
III. The Savvy Merchant Appears!
Phoenix Dice are made from eco-friendly materials, and each purchase goes towards funding research into various recycled materials such as ocean plastic, safe industrial waste, and more!
Every purchase helps a collective effort towards making the hobby more sustainable for the environment!
Use the code DELVE25 and get 10% off your order today!

IV. Markings on the Wall
Latest rumors, discoveries, and puzzling finds in the RPG world and beyond!
Zinemonth / Zinequest Begins!!
Zinemonth / Zinequest is here! - It’s February, and its the time of the zine, those funky little booklets we all know and love! … RPG Designers from around the web put up their crowdfunding campaigns for all manner of weird and wonderful games!
Kickstarter is hosting its annual Zinequest event!
Check out a bunch of other websites:
[ZINEMONTH] D12 Expeditions - From Double Crescent Productions, a stripped down TTRPG that fits in your pocket and is played with a single d12. Quick, easy, and now LIVE for pledges! … You know what to do: Pledge. Play. Promote.
[ZINEMONTH] Out of Orbit: A Troupe Survival TTRPG - Microscope, Band of Blades, LOST, Scavengers Reign… Put it all together and you get this little Zinemonth gem by Andrew Beauman where you strive to get your crashlanded crew off a dangerous planet! … Whats that I said earlier?: Pledge. Play. Promote.
[ZINEMONTH] Gay Games to Play in the Car - …while your GF drives you to go camping. … Allison Kyran Cole assembles a series of games perfect for any loving couple enjoying a long car journey together. Third times the charm: Pledge. Play. Promote.
Other News and Finds
The ENnies revise their AI policy after backlash - The TTRPG awards ceremony received flak for allowing games that used generative AI in the production process. That decision has been reversed!
The 2024 Bloggies Finals have wrapped up! … The scrappy yearly TTRPG blog ceremonies has concluded, and the spot for the Platinum Winner goes to…
🏆💎🏆 The 1 HP Dragon by Explorers Design! 🏆💎🏆
See all of the finalists, category winners, and nominations here! Lots of great reads, and new ways to build or run YOUR games!
Erika Swyler on Worldbuilding as Set Design - Erika uses the metaphor of theatre, along with minimalism, maximalism, and leveraging real-world reference points to create a “set design” approach to writing.
A Maniacs Insight (Where I quote an adjacent Substack blog)
In areas where earthquakes are more prone, the buildings are designed and constructed to withstand a certain amount of vibration. Likewise, when typhoons and hurricanes are common, buildings are required to have storm shutters and other safety measures.
Consider the uncontrollable elements of your world, the unpredictable forces that affect the people and their daily lives.
V. Looting the Room
Free Stuff
d100 Magic Tattoos by d4 Caltrops - My goodness! This site has been around for years, putting out table-after-table covering everything rollable from tavern drinks to monster smells! … This week, its magic tattoos! … Spice up your characters ink with a bit of magecraft!
VI. Treasure Chest
Want to see your ad here? Click here for submission rules and contact link!
This week we give a colorful, and visually-tantalizing shoutout to the online magazine Not Saved, showcasing monthly finds in the indie artist and TTRPG space. Check out this gallery of amazing talent, and give them your sub lovin!
Want to read more from CW’s Dungeon Delve? Check out the site here, and consider subscribing for more fantastic TTRPG and world building content!