Dungeon Delve #5 - Convicts vs. Corpos! (Dirtbags! Kickstarter, Wendy's TTRPG, DriveThruRPG's top 2024)
This week, we highlight Dirtbags! a Sci-Fi Shooter TTRPG. Also, Wendy's had its own game, we check out what DTR's top 2024 games were, and learn worldbuilding lessons from Myst and horror RPG gaming!
I. You Enter The Next Chamber…
A foreward.
Hours into the sages library book-binge, the paladin returns to prayer. Utterances of the "Glory Gods" splendor are entwined with pleas to cease the sages incessant raving. The thief rolls their eyes, having had enough of the pious and the knowledge hungry ruining the fun.
Through a maze of aisles, the thief wanders in search for exits, or undiscovered chamber entrances. Anything to keep from boredom. ... Instead, the young thief finds "Sid".
Mohawked. Leather vested. Riveted collar. Yellowed cigarette in their lips. Tattoos and piercings abound. Sliding bits into the revolving base of a strange contraption reminding the thief of a blackpowder cannon, but small, silver-chromed, and well fabricated.
Upon turn of the corner, the thief's eyes go sharp as daggers. The relaxed rebel finishes loading, snaps the base back, and looks up to the thief. A clever grin crosses their expression, as a shimmering gateway opens up to the thief's left.
"Spacetime, slick." they say standing. "Gotta dodge the corpos any way y'can!" Sid steps into the gateway as it closes behind them, leaving the thief speechless. ... Yet oddly inspired!
Salutations, friends!
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II. The Sage Inquires!
The sage takes a pause from its backstory quest to commune with the spirits and hear their whispers!
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III. Markings on the Wall
Latest rumors, discoveries, and puzzling finds in the RPG world and beyond!
TTRPG News and Finds
[KICKSTARTER] Dirtbags! A Sci-Fi Shooter RPG - Now LIVE!! A game by The Dungeons Key places you on a team of convicts prowling a corporate dystopia, coerced into a military program promising freedom (at a cost)! Check out the video promo below!!! (Also, there’s a free holo-sticker for —physical backers— in the first 48 hours!)
The top selling products on DriveThruRPG in 2024 - We’re a month into 2025, but here is Geeknative’s summary the most sold games on DTR for the past year! See anything here that looks promising?
Who Else Remembers The Time Wendy's Made Its Own Tabletop Game?
- Fast food news site The Takeout recalls “Feast of Legends”, a bizarre and quirky attempt to shore up geekdom into the Wendys-verse. A game that… apparently is really hard to find nowadays? (If you find a copy, let me know!)
7 Biggest Daggerheart Changes from Dungeons and Dragons - With the future of DnD uncertain, there is one certainty; Critical Role’s Daggerheart seeks to shake up the RPG experience by flipping the script!
Worldbuilding Links
Writer Fuel: World-Building Lessons from the Video Game Myst - Whether its for a tabletop RPG, or a PC game, writing and world building are an important pillar! … Gabriela Pereira digs into the game Myst, and provides key advice in connection with her experience!
Building Uneasy Worlds: World Building Tips - The realm of horror-themed stories and RPGs requires the feeling of shaky ground, and Scaldcrow (Games/Books/etc) helps you knock out some of the foundation to help make your story world more frightening.
IV. Looting the Room
Free and PWYW Stuff
Editing for TTRPGs: A Primer for Non-Editors - Prairie Dragon Press delivers this free guide on how to approach the editing process, including how edit your own tabletop RPG product, and at what stages a professional may be helpful! ... (consider supporting the creator)
Inferno RPG map editor - Another online map editor with some free features. Both square grid and hex compatible.
[CW] Rogue Name Generator - Looking for a nickname for your roguish, thieving, convict NPC? Chaotican Writer has this, and several more!
Socratic Design blog - a fantastic blog that breaks down the TTRPG design process into various segments, and a great tool for those looking to develop their own games or products!
V. Treasure Chest (Sponsored Ads)
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